Manufacturing and Trade

Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Commission Regulation [(EU) 2015/1185 ] regarding Ecodesign Requirements for Solid Fuel Local Space Heaters

The project “Enabling the Implementation of Georgia's Forest Sector Reform – ECO.Georgia” supports the Government of Georgia (GoG) to implement its transformational forest sector reform agenda to put the entire nation’s forests under the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). It will do so by supporting the establishment of a nationwide SFM system and, in parallel, promoting market development for energy-efficient appliances and alternative fuels via enabling a regulative framework to address the main driver of forest degradation.

ORI's role in the project includes assessing the potential impact of the implementation of EU's Local Space Heater Ecodesign regulation and providing a relevant regulatory impact assessment (RIA) report. The team has conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as holding consultations with relevant stakeholders. The RIA is prepared with the framework of GoG's RIA methodology.

* Note: This project was completed by the N(N)LP Operational Research Institute, under which the team of Operations Research Institute LLC operated from 2021 to 2024.

Category:Manufacturing and Trade


Meet the Team Behind the Project
Irina Mezurnishvili
Irina Mezurnishvili
Head of Policy Analysis
Aleksandra Shalibashvili
Aleksandra Shalibashvili
Head of Analytics
Maka Chitanava
Maka Chitanava
Deputy Director
Levan Pavlenishvili
Levan Pavlenishvili
Founder and Executive Director